5 Things You Need to Do Before Selling Your House

house for sale

Whether you are planning to move or downsize, you will eventually need to put your house up for sale. Although it seems simple in practice, it can be a lot of work. Many homeowners want to sell their house in its current condition, but this may hurt their chances.

However, that does not mean that you have to renovate the entire property in order to sell it. In fact, you can still sell the house as it is by doing minimal changes and fixes. Not only does it help sell faster, but repairs can also increase its overall value. If you are considering selling your home, make sure you do these fixes before contacting putting up the ‘for sale’ sign.

Windows and Roofs

When fixing up a house to sell, you want to make a little more effort in improving its appearance even if you plan on selling it as is. Windows and roofs can do a lot for the aesthetic of the house and increase its value.

In the case of roofs, house buyers want homes that don’t leak or fall apart. It would turn down a lot of potential buyers if it looks like the roof is old and needs work. This is why it is best that you have it replaced or at least improved. Roofs can also catch a lot of attention, so a worn-out roof can easily deter people before they even enter.

On the other hand, windows have a dual purpose of providing ventilation and enhancing the appearance. Bringing in natural light within rooms makes each part of the house more appealing. Window replacement would also increase its overall value, and the costs of it can actually recoup itself.


Your home needs to be functioning properly in all important aspects before you can even consider selling it. No matter how nice the house is, nobody is going to buy a home with poor drainage or bad plumbing. This is why you need the most important ones done first.

If you haven’t already, definitely start with the bathrooms. The toilets and showers should be working properly. Don’t forget the sinks in the kitchen and outside as well if you have any. You can get someone to inspect your drainage to make sure that none of the pipes are leaking.

Something that some people don’t consider is water pressure. It is important to have the right water pressure because this is what helps the showers run. A lot of buyers would turn away from a house if they have to make adjustments such as those because they may not always know how to do it.



In selling a house, you want it to look as presentable as possible, and the curb appeal and years are one of the first things they see. A good first impression will make a big difference in attracting buyers. It also signals to them that the house is well-maintained.

You don’t necessarily have to go too fancy on the landscape and curb appeal. Simply removing the garbage and taking out the dead plants is a start. If you really want to go the extra mile, you can hire a professional to have it done. They can also make sure that the landscape matches the colors of your doors and exterior.


Similar to the plumbing, the wiring should all be taken care of in advance. People nowadays are smart in choosing their homes. They would check the electrical panels and even take note of the number of outlets available. For old houses, it is advisable to get an inspection done to make sure everything is up-to-date.

Good lighting would be a huge asset to you when it comes to actually promote your house. It can set the mood and improve the appearance of the room. Lights and lamps that have difficulty turning on are already a clear sign that there needs to be work done. House buyers would likely negotiate for a lower price if they know that technical fixes would be required.


Although you want to do as little work as possible, one of the most important things that need to be done is to remove any stains. It can imply poor maintenance and might even give off the impression that pests are present. Even just minor touch-ups can improve your home’s value.

Stains can come in a variety of forms. It can be water stains in the ceiling, which could mean an issue in plumbing. This can also be pet stains, which can give off the impression of poor hygiene and cleanliness.

These fixes may seem inconvenient and costly now, but the expenses would recoup itself later on. You would have a harder time moving homes if you aren’t able to sell the house right away.

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