Three Ways to Shave Money off Your Home Insurance


Every homeowner wants a safe and well-protected home. It’s one of your biggest investments, so it makes sense to keep it secured from unexpected incidents and natural disasters, such as fires, storms, and flooding. Home burglary is another common concern for homeowners and is one of the most upsetting property crime concerns, whether in the city or rural area.

It’s not surprising why many homeowners are investing in home security systems. This gives more peace of mind knowing their homes are under control anywhere they are. In fact, reliable garage door repair websites such as offer efficient servicing to ensure everyone’s homes are safe from garage break-ins.

Besides security systems, homeowners turn to home insurance to protect their homes and possessions against possible theft or damage. It has become a necessity that almost all mortgage agencies require their clients to apply for insurance coverage for their properties. Some won’t even finance or offer a loan to a residential transaction if the borrower cannot present insurance proof.

The cost of insurance premiums depends on different factors, such as location, age, condition, size, security devices, and home replacement value. It also includes your credit history, claims history, marital status, and the deductibles and coverage limits you choose. These explain why home insurance comes in at outrageous prices.

As much as possible, we want home insurance that would not cost us more money than it should. The good news is there are plenty of ways to reduce the cost of a homeowner insurance premium. With that in mind, here are ways to shave money off your home insurance.

Ask for discounts

Insurance companies offer discounts, depending on certain qualifications. These include retired, new home buyers, aging homeowners, nonsmokers, remote workers, or those who use automatic payments when paying the insurance bill.

Insurance companies offer various discounts to residential owners from keeping a policy for over three years or paying the annual premium in upfront payment in full. The highest discount to offer can go high as 35% for new homeowners. Some insurers offer big discounts if the client applies for an insurance bundle for auto and home policies. You may also be entitled to additional discounts if you upgraded the windows or roofing system, applied energy-efficient upgrades, or installed fire extinguishers or smoke detectors.

When applying for insurance coverage, make sure to inquire whether you qualify for discounts and return to the insurance company if your employment situation changes. Also, make it a habit to check for new discount offers every year.

Make your property disaster-resistant

strong roof

If your property is in a disaster-prone area, some insurance companies can offer various insurance options to choose from, only if you follow certain preparedness measures. This means equipping your home with disaster-proof installations, such as shatterproof glass, storm shutters, or roof reinforcements.

If you’re living in an old family home, you can try retrofit approaches to withstand natural disasters. Other ways include installing quality electrical and plumbing systems to avoid the risk of water and fire damage. These measures can lessen excessive damage and the stress and labor in rebuilding.

If your home systems, such as the roof, furnace, and water tank, are showing signs of wear and rust or nearing life expectancy, keeping them updated will prevent big losses and can lead to even bigger discounted rates from the insurance company.

Home updates also help in reducing insurance rates. Fixing the rotting deck or creaky stairs will reduce the risk of incidents and insurance fees. Keeping the property protected from incidents and disasters reduces potential losses, eliminating deductibles while retaining claims-free discounts under the home insurance policy.

Get rid of high-risk belongings

Believe it or not, owning high-risk belongings in your home contributes to higher insurance fees. Insurance companies treat high-risk stuff as an attractive nuisance. These include trampolines, playground equipment, swimming pools, fragile possessions, and other items that can lead to injuries or accidents. Owning any of them can add up to the home insurance premium.

The best you can do is to get rid of these items to get bigger savings on your insurance. Another technique is to install home security systems to keep your home secured from possible burglary. These include deadbolt locks, smoke detectors, burglar alarms, or smart security systems.

The amount you pay for your home insurance varies depending on the insurance firm, home value, and other personal factors. Although having home insurance is certainly a big expense, it’s still a worthy investment to protect your possession against financial ruin and potential disasters. To provide your home with the insurance coverage it deserves, be sure to follow our recommendations.

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