What Is the ROI on a New Deck?

Many people consider adding a deck to their home. It provides another gathering area of the home and enables the owners to enjoy al fresco dining or their morning coffee. No matter how you plan to use your deck, the following video will provide you with some considerations before you decide to build a deck.

There are usually two key reasons why homeowners choose to buy a deck. The first is for their enjoyment; the second is to increase the value of their home.

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So, it comes down to lifestyle and ROI.

You will need to consider the cost of hard materials. This includes deck equipment, fasteners, railings, and especially labor. Those hiring home deck builders can expect to pay depending on the degree of difficulty. Larger decks will typically cost more than smaller decks, for example.

Some who are just looking for the ROI when selling their home often hire home deck builders to create a wood deck, which still looks great a few years after it is built with very little maintenance. You can expect to paint the deck every few years. With proper maintenance, you can expect to see 60-70% of the ROI on your deck when you sell your home.

Those who prefer to have a less maintenance-free option often choose composite products that look like wood. Consult with your home deck builders to determine if this is the best option for you.

If you are considering adding a deck to your home, remember materials can be a key factor. Those liking a maintenance-free deck often opt for composite materials, and those who choose wood must be willing to maintain it to keep it looking its best. Either way, you will be gaining added outdoor space.

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