How to Enjoy the Outdoors If the Weather is Always Dreary

cloudy sky

The ideal weather for spending time in the outdoors is sunny with just the right amount of clouds. Unfortunately, not everyone lives in a place where the weather is always perfect for enjoying a picnic outside or laying underneath the sun. If you live in a place where the weather is often bleak and less than ideal for outdoor activities, fear not; there are still a lot of ways you can enjoy the outdoors despite the weather.

If you want to enjoy the outdoors regardless of the weather all-year-round, here are some tips that you can consider:

1. Build a greenhouse

While this may seem like a drastic move, here us out. A greenhouse provides the most ideal temperature for plants to grow all year round, meaning you can sustain your gardening hobby no matter the weather outside. If you live in a place that experiences tough winters, there are even custom greenhouses for cold climates that are designed to withstand harsh temperatures and help plants thrive.

With a greenhouse, you can not only sustain your hobby at any time of the year, but you also have an ‘outdoor’ space where you can hang out in. Since a greenhouse is always set at an ideal temperature for plants, it will be a comfortable place for humans as well.

2. Add a sunroom

A sunroom is usually an extension on the side or back of the house with glass for windows or walls. It is designed to let as much natural light in as possible and to let you enjoy the outdoors without actually being outside. So, if you live in a place where it’s always cold or raining or dreary, a sunroom can give you the perfect place to relax regardless of the weather. Furthermore, a sunroom is essentially an additional living space where your family and guests can hang out in.

Alternatively, you can convert a portion of your house into a sunroom by installing glass into the roof and widening the windows. However, it has to be single-story unless you want to demolish the second floor to make way for a sunroof.

3. Put up a gazebo

While a gazebo may not provide full coverage against the rain, wind, or sun, it does make for a great hangout spot in slightly windy or drizzly weather. And compared to the first two options, putting up a gazebo is significantly cheaper and easier to do.

There are many types of gazebos you can choose from that vary in shape, size, and style. Depending on your needs and preferences, choose the right gazebo that will serve the best purpose you have in mind. For additional coverage, you can even hang curtains, install screens, or let vines grow along the sides.

white gazebo

4. Increase shading

If it’s always raining in your area and you want to sit outside anytime you want with a cup of coffee, additional shading over your patio or deck is a great investment. Great examples of outdoor shading are awnings, pergolas, patio umbrellas, retractable canopies, pull-down shades, or natural fauna.

Aside from providing shade against rain and UV rays, outdoor shades also help protect your furniture and deck material from the elements, helping them last longer.

5. Find appropriate activities

Now we move past construction ideas to help you enjoy the outdoors regardless of the weather. If you don’t want to invest in new structures for your home, one of the best ways to enjoy the outdoors is to find activities appropriate for the weather. Is it raining? Jump in puddles, have mud fights, “shower” in the rain. Is it too cold? Put on a jacket and take a hike or enjoy a cup of hot cocoa on your porch. Is the sky looking gray? Play shadow puppets on the side of the house or watch a movie using a projector when it gets dark enough.

Even if the weather may not be ideal, there are a lot of ways to enjoy the outdoors as long as you have the right mindset.

6. Liven up the backyard with plants

Your backyard is the most convenient place for outdoor activities, so make it more lively by planting colorful plants and flowers. The weather may be bleak, but your outdoor space doesn’t have to be lifeless, too.

If you find yourself hating the weather in your area more often than not, then it may be time to put these strategies into motion. Whether it’s building a gazebo or finding activities to fit the weather, there is always a way to enjoy the outdoors no matter what the weather is like.

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