Five Green Solutions for Your Company to Save Money

green business

Businesses big and small are always looking for ways to save money. But instead of thinking only about finances, what if companies could benefit not only themselves but also their surroundings? The key lies in cost-cutting policies that take into account environmental protection.

Five examples are garbage collection and segregation practices, employee incentives, proper use of technology, appropriate resource management, and partnerships with neighboring businesses.

Garbage Collection and Segregation

Garbage collection and segregation is nothing new. Companies worldwide have been implementing garbage recycling policies for at least a decade, maybe longer. Even so, there are plenty of ways to improve this. One example is by further classifying segregation processes. Instead of having plastic, non-plastic, and disposable garbage containers, trash bins can include bottle caps, paper, aluminum cans, foam containers, and food.

This can be done by buying a few roll carts and trash can dumpers for industrial purposes. The initial investment is a bargain compared to future benefits like tax breaks for corporate environmental protection and a better reputation. Besides, it can be shared with other businesses in the area, thus reducing your company’s financial burden.

In-house Employee Incentives

A great way to motivate employees to go green is by providing incentives. For instance, companies can hold month-long competitions between departments. Members of the winning team get a few extra days off, a company-sponsored dinner, or even a certificate of acknowledgment. As for the competition itself, the winner is the department that:

  • Uses the least amount of paper during the month.
  • Has the fewest number of face-to-face meetings, thus saving meeting room electricity costs.
  • Can come up with the best cost-saving, short-term environmental policy.
  • Has the least amount of non-disposable waste.

Providing in-house employee incentives serves a dual purpose. First, it promotes healthy competition that motivates people and brings them together. Second, it creates awareness of the importance of environmental protection in the workplace.

The Convenience of Technology

laptop and phone

Microsoft founder Bill Gates once said about technology, “The vision is that people should have the ultimate convenience. Being able to get the things they care about on the appropriate device.” But convenience is not only about faster and easier. It also means cheaper and more sustainable. After all, the longer you can use something at the most affordable price, the more money you will save.

One way in which technology can protect the environment while saving your company money is cloud computing. Cloud computing is not just about storage, information protection, and data management. Companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon now provide virtual machine environments and customized compute engines that can vastly decrease your enterprise’s hardware costs. It will also save you a lot on utilities and maintenance.

Other tools are collaboration and videoconferencing platforms like Slack, Zoom, Asana, and Google Meetings.

Efficient Use of Resources

The most precious natural resource all planets in our solar system have is sunlight. Of course, the sun shines in some countries more than in others. In Scandinavian nations, winter days only have two to three hours of natural light per day. Still, you can use existing natural light more efficiently. Office spaces can be arranged in ways in which natural light is maximized. Working schedules can also be fixed so that natural light replaces electricity for the most hours possible.

Aside from natural resources, one must also consider business resources. Examples are hardware, software, furniture, office space, and office equipment. Companies can put in place policies establishing resource-quotas, schedules, and joint resource usage to better use them. They can also use resource management tools to both track consumption and make sure sources are not wasted.

Working with Other Businesses

Finally, cost savings is a matter of collaboration, working together with other businesses to find the best possible, most affordable solutions. If there are several companies in your building or area, you can build relationships with them. For example, you could share on food delivery costs for employees or invest in solar energy panels and hydroelectric systems for the building. You can also consider carpooling, bike-sharing, and other affordable transportation measures that protect the environment and save money in the long term.

Apart from an increase in sales revenue, companies’ best way to maintain financial growth is saving. This comes with smart business decisions that create sustainability. And sustainability itself is only found in environmental protection as businesses can use existing resources for longer periods.

To do this, organizations must focus on adequate garbage collection and segregation practices, in-house employee incentives, proper use of technological and other resources, and collaboration. These measures will guarantee not only a healthier bottom line but also a better world.

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