Home Renovation Preparation: Surviving the Chaos

home renovation

Home improvement projects can be quite stressful, especially if you don’t know how to handle them right. With anything in life, a little preparation goes a long way. Any homeowner who decides to carry out renovation and remodeling projects at home should prepare for it to make the whole process as smooth and as inconvenient as possible. Whether you’re planning to do a simple bathroom remodeling project or a total property overhaul, preparation is key to survive all the chaos.

To prepare for a major or minor renovation at home, you need to list down things that you need to do to maintain as much order around the house as you can.

Mentally prepare yourself for chaos for the next few weeks or months

Before you prepare your home physically, you need to prepare yourself mentally Renovations can be quite messy and stressful. You need to condition your mind about all the dust, dirt, debris, noise, and workers milling around the place. It can be quite a handful and if you don’t psych yourself up that the next few weeks will be like that, you will get easily stressed out.

Take note of your belongings

Before the work starts, take time to do an inventory of your possessions and note their conditions. It may seem like it’s overkill but if you can take some pictures before the project starts and document it, it will give you an easier time with insurance claims in case some things get accidentally damaged.

Get rid of your clutter before the project’s start date

One of the best times to declutter is before a renovation. Sort through all of your stuff and purge as much as you can. Decide which ones you can live without and those you absolutely need to keep. For those items that you’ve decided to part with, decide which ones you’re willing to donate, which ones you want to sell, and which ones you’re throwing out.

Pack away as many of your things as possible leaving only what’s essential

Unless you’re temporarily staying someplace else while the renovation is going on, your home needs to remain functional. You need to devise a way to move around despite the mess and clutter. Pack as many of your things that you can to protect them from getting damaged. Leave only the essential things out such as plates, utensils, work-related things, and other stuff you need to keep the home running.

Protect your things and furniture by covering them

For bigger pieces like furniture and appliances, move them to an adjacent room and cover them with cloth or plastic sheets to keep them protected from dust and debris. You don’t want to have a house that looks brand-new but has furniture and appliances filled with scratches and scuffs.

Look for an ideal storage solution for your things and furniture

One of the things you need to plan for is where you will store all of your stuff once the work starts. Most renovation projects require furniture and appliances to be moved around to keep them from getting damaged. Look for a suitable place in the house to temporarily store your stuff until it’s time to put them back.

Consume as much as you can to reduce the amount you will need to pack

kitchen renovation

One of the things you can do to minimize the things you need to put away is to consume as much of the consumables as you can. We’re not just talking about food and other perishables but also shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, cleaning agents, and other similar things.

Enhance your home security

Home renovations tend to compromise a home’s security. Between the corkers and all the suppliers making deliveries, you will have plenty of people traipsing around your property. And while, ideally, you’re there the entire time to keep an eye on the progress, you can’t keep an eye on them the whole time. Improve security around the house by acquiring a safe to keep important things and documents secure. Install a video doorbell and smart locks for added security.

Have a few backup plans to compensate for certain inconveniences

Depending on your situation and home set-up, it might be wise to consider options for disruptions. Like if you have kids or pets, you need to secure a room where they can safely stay. Or perhaps you can sign-up for a gym membership so you have a place to take a shower while work is going on at home. Take note of the things that will be directly affected by the renovation and make contingency plans.

When it comes to home renovations, maintaining order amid the chaos is never impossible as long as you put in the work before the project starts. Making the necessary preparations will make the entire process a lot easier for all parties involved.

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