Where to Stay During a Home Renovation

home ongoing renovation

If you’re planning a home renovation, you may be wondering where to stay during the construction process. After all, it’s not exactly comfortable to live in a house that’s in the middle of being renovated! Here are some ideas for where to stay while your home is being renovated.

Option 1: A Friend or Family Member’s House

If you have a friend or family member who lives nearby, you could ask them if you could stay with them for a few weeks or months while your house is being renovated. This is usually the most convenient option, as you won’t have to worry about finding a place to stay and can come and go as you please. However, it’s important to make sure that your friend or family member is okay with having you stay for an extended period of time.

There are several cons to choosing this option. First off, you will be imposing a lot on your friend or family member by living in their place. Whether you will compensate them and/or how much will depend on your agreement. You also can’t expect them to adjust to all of your needs and routines. If you have kids and pets, they’ll also make the living arrangements a bit harder to plan.

The biggest benefit is that you can spend a lot of time with them. For children, this will basically be a long sleepover. If they love having your kids around, then by all means, choose this option!

Option 2: A Hotel or AirBnB

If you don’t have any friends or family members who live nearby (or don’t want to burden them), your next best option is to find a hotel or AirBnB that you can stay in while your house is being renovated. This option will likely be more expensive than staying with a friend or family member, but it will give you more flexibility, freedom, control, and privacy.

Staying at a Hotel

This is the most expensive option since hotels can charge hundreds of dollars for a night—the average rate for hotels in 2021 was $125. Imagine staying at a hotel for weeks! However, this is also the most convenient, comfortable, and luxurious option. If you stay at a hotel, you might be getting access to amenities that you don’t even have at home, like jacuzzis or poolside bars. You can have people serve you dinner in your room, too. This is also the most fun, as it’s basically a mini vacation. You also have lots of chances to meet new friends.

If you’re okay with spending a lot of money, choose this option. Pick a great tourist destination with amazing hotels, too, like Miami or European cities.

Staying at an AirBnB

Staying at an AirBnB is not as comfortable or luxurious as staying at a hotel, but this one gives you more freedom and privacy between the two choices. Most times, you do not really have to talk to anyone else apart from the owner when you first arrive. It’s also a good opportunity to visit hidden gems and tourist spots off the beaten path. If your house will be renovated for a couple of weeks, take the chance to get an AirBnB someplace nice, and have a long getaway! There are lots of great AirBnBs on tropical beaches like in Bali.

A woman making coffee out of her Volkswagen Westfalia Camper at a beach

Option 3: A Temporary Apartment

Another option is to rent a temporary apartment for the duration of your home renovation. This option will give you more space than a hotel room, but it may be more expensive than staying at a hotel or AirBnB depending on the size and location of the apartment. You’ll basically be living like you did at home too, with a few changes, of course. If you pick a cheap place, you can stand to save a lot of money, especially if the renovation will last a long time.

Option 4: Live on the Road

If the renovation lasts for about a week or two, try living in a camper van or an RV! It’s a great opportunity to try out the Van Life. Go on a road trip through America, or stay in campgrounds in the most beautiful parks like Yellowstone or Yosemite. These places cost about $15 to $40 a night to camp in. If you were willing to rough it a bit and rented a simple camper van at $75 a day, you would be spending way less than you would at a hotel—with the added benefit of never being too far away from the spot you would sleep in. This is the best choice for couples or small families, since campers and RVs don’t have much space. However, even with two or three kids or a couple of pets, you can make it work with a bit of planning.

If you love roadtrips and the great outdoors, choose this option. Living in a camper or an RV, even temporarily, lets you experience nature and the open road with as much freedom as you like.

Final Thoughts

There are a few different options when it comes to living arrangements during your home renovation. You can stay with a friend or family member, stay in a hotel or AirBnB, rent a temporary apartment, or live in a camper van or RV. All of these have their own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to weigh all of your options before you make a decision. Choose wisely!

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