Modern Advertising Tips for Realtors

A couple happily shakes hands with a realtor holding a binder while outside the newly sold house

Creating a good first impression is essential when attempting to sell your home. You want potential buyers to view your house as a wise investment, and this can be achieved through a great first impression. Research from Strutt and Parker even shows that 76% of purchasers place great emphasis on initial appearances.

So, what can you do as a realtor to make this happen?

1. Declutter the house.

Buyers want to see your home at its best, free of clutter and personal belongings. This allows them to visualize themselves living there.

If you don’t declutter your home before showing, buyers will assume two things: that the house is not worth as much as you’re trying to sell it for (since clutter can reduce home values by up to 10%), and that you as a real estate agent are incompetent. As a result, they may get turned off entirely. To save yourself the headache, hire a professional cleaning service to deep clean prior to showings or open houses.

2. Prepare scenarios in different rooms.

Setting up a scenario in each room is a great way to make your home seem more appealing to buyers. For example, if you have freshly baked cookies in the oven when they arrive, they’ll be able to smell the delicious aroma and get a taste of what it would be like to live there. This will leave a lasting impression that will make them more likely to want to buy your home.

You can also set up scenarios in other rooms of the house. For example, you can put flowers in the bathroom or put fresh linens on the bed. You can even set up an elaborate romantic night scenario in the master’s bedroom to make the buyers imagine how great the date nights could be. You could even bring a well-trained dog if you know that your buyers have a pet or would want to have one (but only do this if the property is great for having pets and you know how to handle the dog). Anything that can help potential buyers envision themselves living in the home is a good strategy to employ.

3. Encourage the Owner to Have Issues Fixed

There are several ways to make the house more visually appealing from the street. One way is by keeping the lawn and garden well-maintained; this includes short grass and neatly trimmed plants. You can do this yourself if it’s easy enough, but you may want to hire professional help and reimburse the cost through the commission you get from the sale. You could also add some colorful flowers or plants to enhance the yard.

More importantly, remember that external damage reduces the house’s curb appeal heavily. The home’s curb appeal is its attractiveness from the street. It’s what makes buyers want to come see the property and, hopefully, make an offer on it. To this end, check that all windows, doors, and walls are clean and free of any damage since these can be seen from the outside. If there are any broken or missing roof tiles, be sure to repair them as soon as possible.

Damage to a house reduces its value, and it makes your job harder as the realtor; no one goes out with the intention to buy damaged goods, even if it’s a house. If given the choice, consumers will almost always lean towards products in pristine condition. Try to convince the owner to have damage around the house repaired and to simply compensate for the cost by slightly increasing the selling price. Explain to them that if the house is easier to sell, they can get the money they want (or need) sooner.

A real estate agent takes a female prospective buyer on a tour of a house with a for sale sign outside it

4. Redecorate the property.

If you’re hoping to sell your home soon, putting some money into updating its decor is a solid investment. People are often looking for homes that they can move into without having to put any additional work in, which means that anything that looks outdated will be an instant turn-off.

After buying a house, most people want to avoid spending more money and energy on redecorating. The homeowner can recoup the cost from the selling price. If you partner up with an interior designer, this could work well for all the parties involved.

5. Partner with an advertising agency.

When it comes to finding buyers, paying for the services of an advertising agency or building an internal team of advertising specialists can be a huge help. They have the experience and resources necessary to get your listing in front of as many people as possible. This will work great for you too if you are not used to handling websites and social media profiles. With their services, more people will see your listing, and you’ll likely receive more inquiries from interested buyers.

Advertising professionals can also help you manage the inquiries you receive, too. They can handle the administrative work for you, so you can focus on meeting with potential buyers, showing them the property, and negotiating the sale. This can be a huge time-saver, and it can help ensure that all the inquiries you receive are handled in a professional and timely manner. With more buyers interested and making offers, you can also use this as leverage against other potential buyers, allowing you to negotiate higher prices.

Final Thoughts

By following the five tips in this article, you can make your home more appealing to potential buyers and increase the chances of a sale. Partner up with an advertising agency or specialist to help manage the process for you and get your listing in front of as many people as possible. With more eyes on your property, you’re likely to receive more inquiries from interested buyers.

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