Note These Reminders About Regular House Maintenance

cleaning gutters

Keep your house in tip-top shape with the passing of the seasons in this handy checklist. Not tending to your house regularly might lead to bigger damage in the long run, so it’s better to regularly do your maintenance. We’ve included some seasonal and annual things to check, so you know what stuff you need to do yearly and quarterly.


Yearly Tune-up for Your Furnace/Heating System

Don’t skip out on your yearly tune-up for your heater before winter comes in. This tune-up usually consists of checking if the filters for your heating system needs replacement and if there are any leaks for carbon monoxide. Safety issues aside, an inefficient heating system could add more to your bills, so it’s best to get this annually maintained.

Ice Dam Removal

Ice dams can be incredibly damaging when the water works its way under your roof’s shingles and into the soffit vents. In serious cases, not only do you get water damage to your walls and interior ceilings, but you might also have to replace your entire roof. Make sure you have your attic properly insulated to prevent ice dams because once spring thaw comes in, you risk running into more serious leaks.

Gutter and Downspout Cleanup

Clean your gutters and downspouts ideally during spring and fall to prevent rainwater from overflowing and causing water damage. Runaway water from the roof can also wear down your house’s foundation walls over time. Just check them every month or so to make sure there isn’t a build-up of debris in your gutters. Sweep away the leaves and other debris, and you can also use a pressurized garden hose. You may also opt for professional services. Safety first: Some companies use heavy equipment with hydraulic hoses to do the climbing for you. This service has been helpful to many people—no wonder about the increase in hydraulic hose repair franchise in recent years.

Home dehumidification

Keep the humidity minimum at 30% and maximum at 50% consistently to hold off on mites and mold growth with a dehumidifier, especially if your basement is damp. High humidity can cause mold outbreaks, which can get very costly to remove.

And now for some quick tips on what to check for your home maintenance every season:

Spring and Summer

  • Check for roof damage, especially if you experienced heavy storms or hail previously.
  • After checking your roof, examine your windows and repair or replace any damaged ones.
  • Inspect the exteriors for any uneven, cracked, or broken pathways and have them repaired. Check on siding and masonry for any damage too.
  • The same goes for any outdoor play equipment. Check for any damage and have them repaired if needed.
  • Check your patios as well for any signs of deterioration like cracked or chipped tiles or floorboards. Clean and seal the deck as needed.
  • Touch up exterior paint as necessary.
  • Restart your sprinklers and any other outdoor water source. Check for any damage or leaks as well to exterior faucets. Ensure that there are no leaks to your plumbing fixtures and ensure that the shutoff valves are working.
  • Get your air conditioning system inspected and maintained by an HVAC professional.
  • Trim and remove any dead or damaged trees that might fall on your home in the case of strong storms.
  • As a precautionary safety measure, check that your fire extinguishers are working and easily accessible.

Fall and Winter

fall leaves

  • Examine your exposed pipes and insulate them as necessary. Drain your sprinkler system and other outdoor water sources. If you have a swimming pool, now is the time to drain, clean, and have it covered.
  • Start covering your air conditioners with waterproof covers.
  • Clean and drain the sediment from your water heater. Check for leaks and any pressure issues as well. To help save you time, you might want to install a leak detector too.
  • Cover and store any outdoor furniture, plants, or equipment as needed.
  • Clean up leaves and aerate your lawn before snowfall arrives in your area.
  • Don’t forget to empty any gas-powered lawn equipment from fuel to avoid damage.
  • Do a chimney sweep with a professional to inspect and clean vents.
  • Inspect caulking of the doors and windows and re-caulk or seal them as needed.
  • Make sure that any electrical outdoor decorations have tight connections.
  • Test GFCI outlet.
  • Start testing all your detectors and install fresh batteries as necessary.
  • Clean your kitchen and exhaust filter as you spend more time indoors during winter. Inspect the hoses of your washing machine and dishwasher for any leaks. Vacuum refrigerator coils, too.
  • Ensure your basement does not have any leaks during thaws. Test your sump pump.

Keep these tips in mind as the year rolls by. But if you don’t have the time or the expertise necessary to keep up with your house maintenance, you might consider hiring professionals to help you stay on top.

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