How to Prep Your Home for Sale—A Quick Guide

home renovation

Deciding to sell your home is a big one! Congratulations on taking this step and getting ready for a fresh start somewhere new. Before you can put your house up for sale, though, there are some things you need to take care of first. This blog post will cover some basics  of preparing your home for sale.

Clean, Clean, Clean

This one should be obvious. It needs to be clean from top to bottom if you want top dollar for your home. This means diligently cleaning every nook and cranny and decluttering every room so potential buyers can see the property’s full potential. Only some people are neat freaks, so if this isn’t your strong suit, now might be a good time to hire a professional cleaning service.

Where to Start?


The kitchen is the best place to start cleaning when selling a house. This room is often considered the heart of the home, so you want to ensure it is in tip-top shape. Start by giving the appliances a good deep clean (or, if they’re ancient and outdated, replace them). Wipe down all the surfaces, inside and out, until they shine. Then move on to decluttering counters and cabinets—potential buyers will want to see how much storage space is available.


The next room you’ll want to focus on is the bathroom. Again, start by cleaning the room well and paying special attention to the toilet, sink, and bathtub/shower. If your fixtures look a little worse for wear, consider replacing them. Then clear off countertops and shelves, so buyers can imagine their toiletries and towels in the space.

Living Room

The living room is another important space to focus on when prepping your home for sale. Start by giving the room a good cleaning and decluttering any surfaces. Then take a look at the furniture—is it in good condition? Is it arranged in a way that makes the most of the space? If not, consider rearranging or replacing some pieces.

Fix What’s Broken

No one wants to buy a home that needs repairs, so if there are any broken fixtures or cracked tiles, now is the time to fix them. It’s also a good idea to address any major issues like leaks or cracks in the foundation. These bigger problems will need to be disclosed anyway, so you might as well take care of them before putting your home on the market. Not only will this make your home more attractive to buyers, but it will also help you avoid any last-minute headaches down the road.

Fix the Fixtures

Look also for fixtures that need to replace. One great example is the windows. These fixtures may need upgrading or replacing. You can install stained glass windows to make the home more unique and luxurious. This will also give the home a more timeless look that will turn some heads.

If you have a driveway, make sure it is in good condition. Cracks can make the driveway look old and unkempt. You may want to repair these cracks or replace the entire driveway if it is too damaged. The same goes for the roof. Ensure there are no leaks and the shingles are all intact. 

Get Professional Help

Fixing what’s broken is one thing, but making your home look its best is another. If you need help figuring out where to start or what needs to be done, consider hiring a professional home stager. Do this, especially if you do not have the time to declutter and deep clean your home.

Hiring someone who can do it for you will take a load off your plate and ensure that your home looks its best when a buyer comes for a visit. Seek help only from licensed and insured companies to avoid any issues from unprofessional contractors.

Workers painting the interiors of a house white. One stands on a ladder

Get Rid of Personal Touches

You want buyers to be able to envision themselves living there and not stare at your family’s portrait. So before you put your house on the market, it’s a good idea to pack up personal items like family photos and heirlooms.

It would be best if you also considered neutralizing your décor by painting walls neutral colors and removing any items with religious or political affiliations. This will help potential buyers feel like they can make the space their own without having to make too many changes. You can choose from these colors:

  • Beige
  • Light gray
  • Tan

Remove Wallpapers

If wallpapers are your thing, this may be different for a potential buyer. Consider removing them. Wallpapers can date home, and some buyers might not like them. Wallpapers tend to be a personal preference, so it is best to remove them before putting your home on the market.

Stage Your Home

Staging is one of the most important steps in prepping your home for sale. This involves arranging furniture and décor to make each room look its best. The goal is to create an inviting and appealing space in which buyers can easily picture themselves living.

Invite Interior Designers

If you have the budget for it, you can also hire a team of interior designers to help you stage your home. This is a great option if you want to ensure that your home looks its best before putting it on the market. They will be able to help you choose the right fixtures to make each room look its best. They will also appreciate your input and ideas to ensure that the final product is something you are happy with.

Staging your home can help you sell it faster and for a higher price. Work with a reliable team of experts to ensure your home is ready for the market.

Final Thought

Making your home presentable is key to selling it at a high price! By taking the time to clean, repair, declutter, and stage your property before listing it on the market, you’ll be much more likely to get top dollar.

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