Protect Your Home From Typhoon Damage

Severe typhoon damage on a home

Typhoons are powerful storms that can cause severe destruction in their wake. The approximate cost of typhoons since the 1980s is around $2 trillion in the United States. However, the individual damages of these typhoons can be much higher.

Whether it’s damage to your roof, flooding, or a power outage, the aftermath of a typhoon can be anything but pleasant. Knowing how to prepare for and protect your home from potential typhoon damage is essential if you live in an area prone to these natural disasters. Read on for five ways a typhoon can ruin your home—and what you can do about it.

Structural Damage

Typhoons are known for their strong winds and heavy rains, both of which can cause structural damage to your home. These winds can easily damage older structures and roofs made out of weaker materials like asphalt shingles. Thankfully, you can avoid these damages by following these two options:

Windproof Your Home

The first step to protecting your home from the destructive forces of a typhoon is to windproof it. There are various ways to do this. First, you can install storm shutters or impact-resistant windows. Another option is to establish a safe room with reinforced walls, roofs, and doors that can withstand high winds. Finally, you could build a seawall to block the waves from coming ashore and damaging your home.

Install Windows According to Local Regulations

The second step is ensuring all windows are installed according to local regulations. For example, some areas require window coverings that can withstand strong winds, while others may require installing more secure window fixtures. Check with your city’s building codes department to find out what you need to keep your windows safe during a storm.

Rain and flood on floor


Another way a typhoon can ruin your home is through flooding caused by heavy rains. Flooding is one of the most common forms of typhoon-related damage; it causes immediate destruction and long-term moisture problems, which can lead to mold growth and other health hazards. Here are three ways to protect your home from flooding.

Fix Your Pipes

First, make sure your home’s plumbing is in good shape. This means checking for any leaks or cracks in the pipes and fixing them as needed. You should also install backflow valves on your water-supply lines to prevent contaminated water from entering your home through a flood. You can hire a local plumbing service to help you with these things. Their experience and expertise will help you avoid severe damage.

Raise Your Furniture

Second, elevate anything you can that might be affected by flooding. If possible, move furniture and appliances off the floor and store them on higher ground. You should also consider elevating essential electronics like your refrigerator, washing machine, and dishwasher to protect them in the event of a flood.

Install Flood Barriers

Finally, if you live near areas prone to flooding during typhoons, consider installing flood barriers to protect your home. These barriers range from simple sandbags and water pumps to more complex drainage systems. Whichever option you choose, ensure it is installed correctly and can withstand the force of a typhoon.

Power Outages

Power outages are another common consequence of severe weather caused by typhoons. Without electricity, you’ll be unable to use appliances such as refrigerators or air conditioners, which could potentially be dangerous in extreme temperatures. Investing in a generator will help ensure that when the power goes out during a storm, you’ll still have some basic electricity available, so you don’t get stuck without access to essential items like food and water supplies.

Sanitation Problems

After a significant storm event like a typhoon has passed through an area, debris is often scattered around streets and sidewalks, leading to sanitation issues if not appropriately addressed by local authorities promptly. In addition to physical debris, there may also be biological contaminants present due to sewage overflows caused by heavy rainfall that occurred during the storm event, which can further contribute to sanitation problems after the fact if they are not appropriately treated by municipal services personnel right away following the storm’s passing through an area.

One way to deal with this is by having clean water and sanitation supplies on hand at all times so that you can stay safe and healthy during a storm event, even if sanitation services are disrupted. For example, having bottled water, disinfectant wipes and sprays, hand sanitizer, trash bags and cans, and other similar items will allow you to maintain a high level of personal hygiene during a typhoon or hurricane.

No matter where you live, taking proper precautions before a typhoon hit is essential for protecting your home from potential damages caused by the storm’s high winds and heavy rains. Taking preventive measures now means you’ll have peace of mind knowing that no matter what happens during the next big storm, you’ve done all you can to protect yourself and your property from unwanted damage!

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