Taking Care of Plants as Every Home’s Crowning Glory


A way of beautifying your home is by upgrading your landscaping. What’s the best way to do that but through planting? For one, they’re not as costly as redoing the exterior of your home. Second, plants offer a variety of perks, from ornamental to medicinal. Even the act of gardening offers mental health benefits. It wouldn’t hurt to add some greens and a pop of color here and there on your lawn.

With that said, what should you consider planting? Here are some suggestions that will not only look good on your yard but hold other benefits too. Get your garden storage shed ready and flex that green thumb for your planting spree.

Bee Balm

If you’re into making a mini-ecosystem in your garden, planting a bee balm is a good place to start. They attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and- if you haven’t guessed it yet-bees.

Bee balms can be planted during the spring or fall season but thrive in full sunshine. Since its flowers are edible, they can be made into herbal tea, added to salads, or made into a garnish. It’s a well-rounded plant to have (no pun intended).


Having some lavender in your yard is beneficial. Aside from being beautiful, its strong scent can repel bugs like moths, flies, fleas, and mosquitoes. You can put some in a vase to put in the living room or them around the house to keep the bugs away. It’s best to plant lavender after winter and water only once or twice a week.


Daylilies are a lovely addition to your garden and yard. They can grow with little to no care and endure this way for years. They grow quickly and can survive the cold weather. They’re one of the best to grow to beautify your place. These orange space-filling beauties have culinary uses and health benefits. Historically, they’ve been used for cancer treatment and to help combat tumor activity. Daylilies originated from China but have since then been found all over the world.


Yes, zucchinis are not flowers, and yes, they are still worth having in your garden. They hold many health benefits. They carry a variety of nutrients. They are an antioxidant, aids in digestion, reduces blood sugar levels, aids in weight loss, and helps improve your heart and vision. Luckily, they’re very easy to grow by yourself. Start planting after your last frost date. For best results, plant them in an area with full exposure to sunlight and add plenty of compost.

Garlic Chives

Garlic chives are one of those plants that are almost a necessity to have. Doing some cooking? You can head out to your garden and get some. Easy. Aside from being a nutrient-dense vegetable, they help keep away pests too. These pests include aphids and Japanese beetles. They are also known to enhance the growth of other plants, specifically carrots, grapes, roses, and tomatoes. Garlic chives like being under full sunlight, and they’re best to plant during the cool season.



Who wouldn’t skip on some good ol’ basil? They might not necessarily add to the beautification of your home, but they’re convenient to have, especially when you have a cook at home. This sun-loving herb goes great with a lot of dishes. They’re easy to grow, too. They’re best to plant during summertime. It’s recommended to plant them on fertile soil with a good amount of exposure to the sun.

Snap Peas

Another thing that’s easy to grow is snap peas. They carry benefits for your health like vitamin K for bone strength, fiber for digestive health, folate for a healthy pregnancy, and more. Plant these peas during spring, so the weather is still cool as they mature. You can plant them close to your chives since they’re great to plant with chives. They’re good to have around the house since they help repel mosquitoes. Other pests they repel are asparagus beetles, flies, carrot flies, whiteflies, and tomato hornworms.

Who says you can’t have a space that’s beautiful and functional? With patience and consistency, you can grow beautiful and useful plants around your abode. Avoid choosing to do gardening just because you want to outdo your neighbor’s front lawn (that might look bare). You should plant to your heart’s content. Make use of the space you have to grow things that enhance not just the look of your home but also your health and well-being. Everyone deserves a beautiful home. What’s more beautiful than being surrounded by the bounty of Mother Nature?

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