5 Tips for Showing Your Home

house for sale

When you’re ready to sell your home, you want to make sure you present it in the best possible light. After all, first impressions matter—research commissioned by Strutt and Parker shows that 76% of home buyers consider the first impression as the biggest priority in their decision to buy property. As such, you want to make sure prospective buyers see your home as a valuable investment.

Here are a few things you can do to increase the value of your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

1. Declutter your house.

First impressions matter, so you want to make sure prospective buyers see your home in its best light. This means decluttering and depersonalizing your space so that buyers can visualize themselves living there. If you do not do this, prospective buyers will see clutter, and they may get turned off. They may also think that your home is not worth as much as you are charging for it since clutter can reduce your home’s value by about 10%. You should also consider hiring a professional cleaning service to deep clean your house before showings or open houses. By taking these steps, you’ll be more likely to impress potential buyers and get them interested in making an offer on your home.

2. Increase the value of your home.

There are a number of ways you can increase the value of your home before putting it on the market. Making energy-efficient upgrades, such as solar panels or energy-efficient windows, can help increase the value of your home while also making it more attractive to environmentally-conscious buyers.

Apart from these upgrades, you can also improve your house’s curb appeal. Curb appeal is the attractiveness of your home from the outside. It’s what makes buyers want to come see your property from the street and, ideally, inspires them to make an offer.

One of the most important is keeping your lawn and garden well-maintained. Make sure the grass is cut short and the plants are neatly trimmed. You may also want to add some flowers or plants to enhance the look of your yard. Another way to improve curb appeal is by painting or staining your home’s exterior in a pleasing color. You should also make sure all of the windows, doors, and walls are clean and in good condition. If there are any broken or missing roof tiles, you’ll want to repair them as soon as possible.

3. Redecorate and redesign.

If you are willing to invest a bit more in selling, you can update your home’s decor to make it look a bit more up-to-date. Homebuyers are turned off by outdated designs since it costs them time and money to update their new home. Most people would want to avoid spending more cash and energy on redecorating right after they bought a house, so it will be better if you do it for them. To compensate, you can recoup the cost from the selling price. You might need some help from an interior designer to make this work for you; you can ask for help from your realtor to find a good one.

Man and Woman Near Table

4. Capture a video walkthrough.

A video walkthrough is a great way to show off your home in its best light. You can highlight the features of your home that you think are most important, and give potential buyers a sense of what it would be like to live there. Plus, a video walkthrough is more engaging than just looking at photos, so it’s more likely to capture a buyer’s attention. Partner up with a video production or a digital advertising agency to capture the video and integrate it in your marketing attempts. Alternatively, if you do not want to handle this yourself, you can ask your realtor to do this for you.

5. Utilize the Power of Social Media

When it comes to selling your home, using social media is a great way to reach potential buyers. You can create a social media campaign that highlights the best features of your home and encourages people to take a closer look.

You can also use social media to connect with local real estate agents and brokers who may have interested buyers. By building relationships with these agents, you may be able to get your home in front of more potential buyers.

Finally, if you followed the previous tip and got a high-quality video walkthrough of your home, you should upload it on social media. This will help make your property stand out from the competition and inspire people to take action.

While this should fall under the realm of your realtor’s responsibilities, there’s nothing stopping you from learning more about it. By pointing them in the right direction, you can help them sell your house faster, which will benefit you in the end.

Final Thoughts

The five tips outlined above will make your home more appealing to potential buyers. By following these tips, you’ll be able to sell your house faster and for a higher price. Remember, the most important thing is to stay proactive and keep your home in good condition so that potential buyers can see its full potential.

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