So You’re Finally Vaccinated, But What’s Next On Your List?

woman looking outside

What seemed like a lifetime of waiting for the global pandemic to end is finally reaching an important pivot point as Covid-19 vaccination efforts continue to operate at full capacity, and as more people get their second shot and finish the 2-week gestation period; things are looking bright. Of course, there’s no denying that we still have a long way to go in terms of economic recovery and all the other fundamental aspects to reviving the world, but getting vaccinated is the right start.

However, since we’ve been looking at vaccinations as a pipe dream for the longest time now, people have the slightest knowledge on what to do next because no one’s planned for what’s to happen when everything blows over. And so, today, we’ll recommend a short collection of activities that you might definitely want to add to your bucket list of must-do things after getting the vaccine.

#1 Host A Private Party With Friends

You read that right; no longer will you have to settle for hour-long video calls with your friends because you can finally host your own private party without having to stay six feet apart from them every time you want to strike up a conversation. You can crack a cold one, share your meals, and heckle each other like good ol’ times because you’ve got that fully-vaccinated attitude greenlighting everything you can do. Plus, we think it’s justified that you take things to the next level, so why not rent a place out or get a professional boat hire to have a party in luxury.

#2 Eat Inside A Restaurant Without Worry

dining out

Say goodbye to all those food-to-order shenanigans you’ve subscribed to for the past few months now because eating out is finally an option. Of course, we can’t guarantee that every local diner is operating at full capacity, but at least you can eat inside a restaurant without having to worry all the time instead of enjoying your food. And for those who want a change of pace from home-cooked meals, you can try out that high-end restaurant that closed its doors right before you had the chance to sample any of their meals.

#3 Travel To Your Heart’s Galore

We’ve been locked indoors for the longest time, but now that you’re vaccinated, there’s no better opportunity to travel to your heart’s galore. Yes, there are still international travel regulations you must follow, but you’re pretty much safe for the most part. And if you’re only planning to go on domestic road trips with family or a couple of your buddies, then there’s virtually zero restriction or risk to making an itinerary of cross-country destinations. So start filling your gas tank because you’re going to need more than you think to release all those pent-up travel desires.

#4 Go Outside For The Sake Of Dressing Up

Last but not least, for all our fashionistas out there who’ve been begging to get the chance to dress up and go outside again, now’s your chance to strut your stuff and make the world your personal runway. We know way too well that everyone’s tired of wearing the same outfit every single day, and all of our wardrobes are in dire need of updating, so get out there and start your own trend. In fact, you can even go to the next streetwear collection near you because open events are finally a thing again.

Still, Please Respect Health Guidelines

Nevertheless, even though you’re vaccinated and are pretty much free to do any pre-pandemic activity at your disposal, don’t think you’re completely off the hook when it comes to following health guidelines. A private business or your workplace still has the responsibility to enforce rules for the safety of others, so do your part in respecting everyone else as well.

  • Bring An Extra Face Mask: It never hurts to keep a spare face mask inside your bag to tag along because you don’t know when you’ll find yourself in cramped public places. Plus, it’s almost become a habit as well, so it’s pretty hard to let go once you’ve wired your brain to do it unconsciously.
  • Don’t Push Your Luck: Likewise, don’t intentionally put yourself in sticky situations that could put your health at risk regardless of the fact that you’re vaccinated. Sure, you’re risk-free as far as standards go, but do note that we’re still learning a lot about the virus, and the last thing you want to happen is a new strain becoming your next problem.

Enjoying More Freedom

Overall, we think that there are so many things people should do after they get vaccinated, so they must start as early as possible if they want to make up for all the lost time. And while the aforementioned activities might not be up your lane, they can at least point you in the right direction.

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