Different Kinds of Water Problems Every Homeowner Faces

dripping faucet

Plumbing or ‘water problems’ come in different shapes and sizes, from minor and inexpensive repairs like dripping faucets to complicated sewer system backup issues capable of destroying your property. Remember that prevention is always better than a cure, and you can minimize these issues from happening beforehand.

Here are seven of the most common water or plumbing issues you may face, their causes—and how you can fix them.

Faulty Water Heater

You may not discover you have faulty heaters until you’re in the shower and the water abruptly becomes cold. Several issues can cause this appliance to fail, ranging from its pilot light going out to sediment build-up in the tank. If you think your water heater has some issues, contact the nearest professional in your town to help you quickly address the problem unless it’s a simple fix, such as replacing the pilot light.

Dripping Faucets

Dripping faucets are one of the most common ‘water problems’ that homeowners experience. The issue is so common that it’s become rare to find someone who hasn’t had the problem before. It doesn’t only cause headaches, but it can push your water bills to great heights as it can drip hundreds of gallons of water in a year. The leading cause of dripping faucets is internal washers that have become stiff and worn over time.

Sinks that Drains too Slow

Slow draining sinks often happen due to a blockage restricting the water to overflow from it. Your kitchen sink drain may have things like congealed fat from food remnants, while your bathroom sinks may have some soap chunks or knotted hair. There are several ways to address a slow-draining sink. These include using a plunger, pouring down vinegar and baking soda down the drain, or using a plumber’s snake. However, if any of the home remedies don’t work for you, call your local plumber immediately.

Keep in mind that if you don’t tackle the problem immediately, it’ll worsen over time until the drain gets completely blocked, so it’s best to make repairs fast. Additionally, preventing sinks from getting clogged in the first place is also ideal.

A Clogged or Runny Toilet

When your toilet bowl fills up and doesn’t drain properly, you’re likely facing a clogged toilet. A blockage is typically caused by a combination of paper and human waste. You can typically address the issue with a plunger, but using a drain auger should do the trick if that doesn’t work. Another toilet issue you may face is the toilet excessively running, typically caused by build-up sediments. For this issue, you need to hire a plumber.

toilet bowl

Low Water Pressure

If you notice the water trickling out of the tap instead of gushing, it can indicate low water pressure. This issue is common in older homes and is usually from leaking pipes that have become worn down over time, caused by the build-up of sediment and mineral deposits on the aerators. A remedy to this is soaking the aerator in vinegar to clean it.

Leaky Pipes

Leaking pipes can cause severe damages to your furniture and floors, with dampness encouraging insects like cockroaches to live in your home. Leaks always almost happen at the pipe joints, and you can temporarily fix them with tape compounds and fillers. However, replacing the damaged pipes and other related fittings is your best bet for a permanent fix. Leaky pipes are more common in the winter as the water can freeze and expand, causing some of them to burst.

Issues with the Sewer System Backup

Dealing with problems with your sewer system backups can be challenging as they’re often pungent, inconvenient, and expensive to fix. Generally, you can tell you have an issue with this system if you have several drains and toilets that aren’t working and have a foul odor coming out from them.

Responsibility for fixing problems with the system depends on the location of the blockage. So, if it’s on your property, you need to deal with it, but the water company is held responsible if it’s out on the road. It’s best to call your water company first as they usually won’t charge you if it’s their fault.

Dealing with water or plumbing issues is an inevitable part of being a homeowner. Although some problems come with aging fixtures and the usual wear and tear on plumbing systems in the home, others may be caused by how well you maintain them. Regardless of the cause, the most common issues you may face are those mentioned—and knowing these beforehand can help you address them more efficiently.

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