High Utility Bills? Here’s How to Fix It


Energy is needed at home to maintain a comfortable temperature, cook food, maintain a comfortable temperature, clean the dishes, wash the clothes, and power electronics among others. While everything is going fine, the monthly bills outline how much energy is consumed and what it costs. Many things are involved in a simple bill. Trying to figure out what to focus on might be the most difficult part of reducing your monthly utility bills.

According to EPA, 40% of the total energy consumed is used in generating electricity. This indicates the importance of electricity in the environmental footprint. The largest sources of electricity are fossil fuels and natural gas. Further, EIA illustrates that generating and transmitting electricity impacts the environment. Therefore, reducing your energy use will not only reduce your utility bills but also reduce the environmental impact.

Luckily, there are several ways that you can use to save money on your energy bill. Everyone knows how to switch off the lights when a room isn’t occupied. However, it takes more than that to reduce your utility bills. There are more ways you can significantly implement today to reduce your utility bill every month.

Ways to help you keep your utility bills down

  • Change your daily behaviors

You don’t need to buy energy-efficient products to reduce energy consumption. You can save energy by doing little and simple things like turning off lights and appliances when not in use. For instance, you can unplug your coffee maker before leaving your house. Coffee makers and similar appliances may have features such as a clock, which if it remains plugged in may use energy even when it is not in use.

You may consider plugging all your kitchen appliances in a power strip to switch them off at once. If your TV, computer, and washing machine have a standby mode, you may also consider switching them off when not in use since they may still use energy.

If you have a smart TV that may require staying on for software updates, you can enable power-saving mode when not in use. You can do this by going into the settings and changing the default to the shortest time before sleep mode. This will help you save a lot from these items.

  • Upgrade your HVAC system

Upgrading your HVAC system may help you save 20-40 percent of energy costs. Your HVAC system does a lot to keep your home comfortable. Over the years, the effort may affect the system hence reducing its efficiency and increasing the energy costs. However, regular maintenance may help it in increasing its efficiency.

However, if your system is old, you may consider getting a new HVAC system. If you are looking for a reputable HVAC company to upgrade or get a new HVAC system, worry no more. With the great and exceptional services being provided by experts, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your HVAC system is working efficiently and keeping your home at the perfect temperature.

  • Wash clothes in cold water

According to Smithsonian Magazine, 75% of the energy need to load laundry is used in heating water. Warm water requires heat and heat requires energy. Therefore, using cold water saves energy and money.

When getting your clothes clean, the temperature in the washer doesn’t matter. The advancement in technology has made it effective to wash your clothes in cold water. You may be asking yourself if your clothes will be as using hot water. If you are worried, you may consider using cold water detergent.

  • Conserve water

Conserving water is an efficient way of saving you money. It reduces the amount of energy required for treating, pumping, and heating water. A reduced energy demand results in reduced electricity costs.

You can also consider checking your home for any leaks under the sink, running toilets, and dripping faucets. A small leak may increase your water and electricity expenses, especially if hot water is leaking. A running toilet may use around 200 gallons of water a day hence increasing your bills. By fixing any leaks, you will be able to save on utility bills.

  • Seal air leaks

Sealing air leaks will help you reduce heating and cooling expenses. Vents, doors, and windows are some of the sources of air leaks. Look for any cracks in the door frame, wall and vent, and windows. The small openings in these areas may lead to air leaking out of your home. One way to reduce air leaks in your home is by keeping external doors closed. You may also consider inspecting your home and sealing all smaller gaps or cracks. Air sealing will help you reduce your utility bill.

These are just some of the important tips that may help you save energy. Considering these tips and taking them into practice will reward you with lower utility bills and more money in your pocket.

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