How to Increase Your Home’s Property Value with Your Yard

backyard space

From the location to the state of the market, there are many factors that affect a property’s value. While you may have no control over most of them, there are some aspects you can improve. If you’re looking to spruce up your home, why not start outside? Here are five ways you can upgrade your yard to improve your home value:

Get a Shed

A storage building provides multiple benefits to a house. It extends living space, provides extra storage, and boosts a house’s property value. It’s also very versatile. If you don’t like the idea of using it just as a storage space, you can transform it into an office or a private gym. Whatever you decide to use it in, try to keep it simple. It will allow you to use the shed for different uses, and it will be easier to promote to potential buyers.

But before you buy a shed or build one of your own, you should check if there are restrictions or permits needed. According to the Appraisal Institute’s Leslie Sellers, it’s the biggest mistake you can make when it comes to sheds. Depending on the area and size, a permit may be required by your county or homeowner’s association.

Invest in Landscaping


Put yourself in the shoes of the buyer. It’s hard to get motivated about purchasing a home if its exterior looks dull and unappealing. On top of its aesthetic benefits, it also promises decent returns. HGTV’s John Gidding says that he has witnessed a $20,000 investment in landscaping result in a $200,000 return. Of course, it’s not a guaranteed profit, but it definitely doesn’t hurt to focus on it. Even if you don’t have 20 grand to spare, you can start small by regularly mowing and weeding your lawn. Then, add elements for some color and depth.

If you don’t have much experience growing your own plants, try planting flowers that easy to grow. Besides flowers, you can also use rocks to create a divide between your plants and pathways. To take it up a notch, use the rocks to create a water feature so that you’ll have a mini waterfall in your yard. Make sure to use lights to maximize the effect and minimize the chances of accidents.

Build a Patio

In a survey by the National Association of Realtors, buyers say that patios are one of the features they look for in a home. Like sheds, patios extend the living space of a house. It’s an extra room where you can enjoy your meals and have gatherings. It’s especially beneficial if your backyard boasts a good view.

Unless you’re planning to have it fully enclosed, you should invest in water-resistant chairs and tables. You should also decorate with insect-repellent plants and use non-toxic bug sprays to keep the pests away.

If you want to impress buyers, make a good first impression by giving your yard a makeover. It can make a house stand apart and add impressive features. Even if you’re not planning to sell just yet, you’re bound to get some use out of it.

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