Live Big, Go Tiny

tiny house

The economic downturn caused by the pandemic is far worse than the 2008 recession. But the World Blank is giving us hope. They are saying that we might expect modest growth this year.

Their message may be the light at the end of the tunnel. But we must control our economic futures. With this in mind, it would be a great time to join the Tiny House movement. But is it a good time to change your lifestyle?

Yes, it is. With the mortgage rates at an all-time low, you should take advantage of this by creating your dream tiny house. If you are still on the fence about the Tiny House Movement, you should pay close attention to this article. Here are a few benefits of going tiny:

Savings Magnet

The Tiny House Movement is not just the simple act of moving to a considerably smaller home. But it is a paradigm shift. You get to enjoy life more when you move to a smaller house because you get to spend your money on things that matter. It is not locked into costly maintenance.

Creating a tiny house is cheaper compared to a full-size house. In an article recently published in Forbes, the average cost of a house is $300,000. This price does not include the land’s acquisition cost. On the other hand, the cost of creating a tiny house is only a fraction of that amount.

It would mean that you can have your tiny dream home without having to take a mortgage. Does this sound interesting? The thought that you can have your own home without having to take out a mortgage should entice you to join the Tiny House Movement.

Environmentally Friendly

You can go completely off-grid with your tiny house. You can ask a custom home builder to tailor-make your home so that you can go off-grid. This can be achieved by having solar panels installed on your roofs.

This off-grid measure already makes your home environmentally friendly. You can take it up a notch by having a composting toilet installed. A composting toilet is a type of toilet that does not use water. Thus, you save on water.

As the term indicates, your composting toilet produces compost. You can use the product for your garden. The output itself is odorless and has been treated against disease-causing microbes.

If you choose to implement the off-grid system, you will lessen your carbon footprint. You also reduce the waste that you produce.

sustainable and money saving

Fits any Lifestyle

Several celebrities have joined the Tiny House Movement. One of them is San Antonio Spurs’s Matt Bonner. In the series Tiny House Nation, he decided to join the movement because a tiny home will give him mobility. He can bring the comforts of home on the road.

With that said, you can also have a mobile tiny home. This type of home is appropriate for those who are always on the road. Why settle for a trailer house when you can attach your tiny home to your trailer?

You can also choose to have a static tiny home. Some tiny homeowners decided to join the Tiny House Movement so that they can have their original house rented. Boom! That is an extra income for the tiny homeowners.

A tiny house does not necessarily mean that it lacks amenities. You can beef it up with the latest comforts that you can afford. One tiny house owner had his home fitted with a soundproof room. That modification allowed him to record music while he was at home.

Simple Living

We mentioned earlier that a tiny house does not need a lot of maintenance. This characteristic makes it cheap in long run. It also means that you do not need to spend a lot of time keeping it tidy.

You can ask the contractor to customize your stairs by making each step into a hidden cabinet. Doing this will make it easy for you to keep your things. You may even ask the contractor to make a foldable dining table. This type of furniture will not eat up the space.

Before you jump into the Tiny House bandwagon, you have to do some research. Knowledge is essential to the success of your transition. It will need a lot of adjustment.

One of the biggest hurdles in the transition process is the number of things that you want to take into your tiny home. If you are determined to join the Tiny House Movement, you need to de-clutter. Getting rid of your extra baggage is already a benefit itself.

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