No Broken Plates: Ensuring That All Your Belongings Survive a Move

sealing boxes

A move to a new place can be a big burden for you. It is not going to be easy to begin a new life somewhere else. This is especially true when it takes you across the country. If it is already tough on you, imagine how tough it is for your belongings. Being placed in a box and being carelessly handled can result in broken items on your arrival.  To ensure that all your possession survive the move and reach the destination in one piece, here are some tips that should help:

Organize Everything

Before everything else, you should seriously take stock of what you will be bringing on your move. You are not going to be packing everything in your life into boxes. That would be too much work. The best approach would be to declutter and identify the items that will be making the move and those that you will have to leave behind. Besides reducing your moving load, it will also help you identify belongings that need extra care. For example, some items such as jewelry may need a special box for themselves and won’t end up on the moving truck.

Get the Right Packing Materials

If you want your packing to go smoothly then you need to have the right materials. This starts with properly-sized boxes to bubble wrap. You already know what you be packing up so you only need to get enough boxes for the move. Instead of cardboard boxes, you can choose to get tougher plastic boxes but they can be expensive. They can also be bad for fragile items so get the more pliable cardboard so there is some give.

Additionally, packing peanuts and bubble wrap are not your only options for packing protection since you can also use old newspapers and rags if you don’t have the money.

couple moving out

Proper Packing Approach

Item protection can come from proper packing. The best approach is to have individual boxes for fragile items. This means you should not be packing everything into one big box. Besides that, individually wrapping items with protective material like bubble wrap can go a long way towards ensuring they are safe. You should also mark the boxes that need special handling so that you don’t forget and toss them around during the move.

The Big Items

Not everything is going to fit in a box though. Large items of furniture like dining tables and even a car you own might need to make the move. Before you try and transport them though, you should seriously consider taking steps to sell or give them away. You won’t have any worries about their safety if they don’t belong to your anymore.

But if you want to keep them, then the only solution is to hire outside help. For example, car transport services can load up your extra vehicles into enclosed trucks and ensure that they arrive at your new house without a scratch. All of it without you worrying about anything.

Proper packing and taking extra precautions can go a long way towards ensuring that your belongings don’t get damaged during transport. It may take some extra effort and money, but it is better than paying for repairs or replacements. Do it right and you can open your boxes with no hesitation.

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