Pandemic Entrepreneur: Start a Business from Home

Fruit store

COVID-19 has made a lot of changes in the lives of many people. One of these changes is the loss of a job. Almost 40 million people in the United States are unemployed, while the World Economic Forum predicts that more than 300 million people could lose their jobs due to the pandemic. In the United Kingdom, four out of five people are affected by COVID-19 at work. They may have lost their jobs, taken salary cuts or committed fewer hours due to low demand.

Many are rethinking how they could find a new job when many industries have closed factories, offices and even attractions. Many are feeling more anxious as world governments promise no quick resolution to the pandemic. So what is the option for most people? Start their own business amidst the needs arising from the pandemic. Here are some businesses you can start from home and on your own.

Cleaning Service

This is the time when most people are more paranoid about cleanliness, and so starting a cleaning business could provide you with a substantial income. Focus on a certain object which you can clean. It could be trash bins, backyards, or even a garage. Just make sure you have the necessary PPEs to protect yourself and the people you meet. You also need to provide the tools and supplies to start your cleaning service, so make sure to buy a power vacuum cleaner, some detergent, brushes and brooms for a start.

Dog Walking

Dog Walking

If you love animals and have an affinity for dogs, start a dog walking service. Many people might not want to go outside yet, while some people might not have the time or energy to walk their pets. Provide this service and earn some money that could help you for some time. You could also extend it to a pet grooming service if you love giving baths to animals.

Gardening Services

You could also offer lawn mowing, gardening, and landscaping services. Many people in your neighborhood would welcome your services, especially if they are already stressed out from working from home or providing homeschooling to their children. You could also provide this service to people who are offering their properties and lands for sale. Aside from that, you can your own vegetables or fruits in your garden and sell them to your neighbors.

Shopping Services

Many people are still stuck at home and cannot go out due to quarantine measures, or they are at risk. Provide a shopping service where you could buy their groceries or supplies from the shop and deliver these to their homes. Charge a fee for your services, but also provide an essential service that many need now.

Food Services

If you love cooking, you could start a food delivery service selling home-cooked meals. Create a unique menu that many people might miss eating (healthy pasta, special sandwiches or burgers, or even meals using quinoa and rice), so they would feel like they are eating at their favorite restaurant.

COVID-19 may have caused you to lose your job, but you don’t have to remain jobless. You can start a business on your own and from your home. All you need is the information, the knowledge, the equipment and the passion to release the entrepreneur inside you.

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